Fructose Malabsorption (or FM / FructMal) is the inability to absorb fructose and fructans. Sufferers of Fructose Malabsorption have no difficulty tolerating fructose/fructans once they have been absorbed, however, absorption is difficult or impossible for FructMal sufferers. The symptoms are the result of having unabsorbed fructose/fructans in the lower intestine which creates hydrogen gas and sometimes methan.
The most common symptoms include bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, stomach pains, and cramps. Other common symptoms are vomiting, brain fog/fuzzy head/difficulty concentrating, aching eyes, headaches, mood disturbances, depression, trouble sleeping, and joint pains.
Many people go undiagnosed with FM for years trying different medications and diets before they stumble across fructose malabsorption. Getting misdiagnosed with IBS is common for FructMals because the symptoms are similar. A Hydrogen Breath Test will confirm if you have FM (I had to see a gastroenterologist to take one). The HBT measures the amount of hydrogen in your breath, 20 parts-per-billion or more, which is above the average person.
For more info about fructose malabsorption I found a great website here.
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